Feature Film: Cast Away

Cast Away Movie Stil

Since summertime is the perfect time for thrilling suspense movies, we’ve decided to turn our August crime film, Zodiac, into its own electrifying, four-part mini-series on Tuesdays at 7 p.m.


On August 6, watch Cast Away (2000), featuring Tom Hanks and Wilson. Federal Express troubleshooter Chuck Noland proposes to his girlfriend, gets on a plane that crashes in the Pacific Ocean, drifts to a remote island far from civilization, and fights to survive on his own without help or human contact.


Thrilling Suspense: A Film Series runs on July 30 and August 6, 13 & 20.


Comedies and Crime: A Film Series plays on:


August 13 Zodiac
September 17 The Royal Tennenbaums
October 8 Kiss Me Deadly
November 12 The Cameraman
December 10 The Thin Man




This event is free and open to all.